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Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)

PTO logo

The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) of Houston Elementary is a voluntary service organization managed by the parents and teachers of Mineral Wells ISD that works in support of the school.  PTO is a great way to meet other parents and quickly become involved in your child’s school.

At a place like MWISD, where students, teachers, and administrators are always on the move, we feel it is particularly important to create a strong sense of community among our families. Your participation with PTO not only allows you to learn more about your child’s school environment, it gives you an immediate way to make new friends and learn about the different cultures represented at MWISD. 

What We Do


  • The PTO raises money each year to support a variety of projects and requests at Houston Elementary. Our funding committee solicits request applications from teachers and student groups, reviews them, and allocates funds available.
  • Over the years, PTO fundraising has paid for outdoor seating and tables, playground equipment, as well as other items.

Community-Building Events: 

  • PTO organizes many evening events throughout the year. 

Our Membership

The PTO is made up of volunteer parents and teachers affiliated with Houston Elementary. Members of the PTO can support activities without becoming officers or attending meetings on a full-time basis.

We always need parents to help as volunteers with specific activities or events throughout the year, such as Meet the Teacher, teacher luncheons, volunteering at school or even Houston Field Day. You can also join us simply by serving as a room parent, helping your child’s teacher as needed.

The Association is led by an elected committee that includes: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,  and Hospitality Representatives.

Members of the Committee are elected at the first PTO meeting of every academic year. PTO meetings are held once a month and are open to all parents and teachers. We hope to see you there!